My Approach
Holistic, Integrative, Client-Centered
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you" -Maya Angelou
Narrative Therapy is an approach that allows clients to tell their story in a safe and empowered manner. Through narrative you take the driver's seat of your own life story-- establishing a strong sense of self, rewriting harmful narratives, and placing traumatic memories in their timeline-- reducing the impact of post-traumatic stress symptoms.
Nervous System Attunement
"You might not remember it but your nervous system does"
- Victoria Erickson
Nervous system attunement and regulation is key to reducing chronic mental health symptoms including trauma responses and anxiety and depressive symptoms. Through this lens you will learn how to better understand your physiological reactions to triggers and stressors, and tune in to your nervous system to better understand your needs and develop life-changing emotional regulation skills.
Somatics & Mindfulness
"We must approach trauma with a sense of curiosity and compassion, rather than judgment or avoidance." - Peter Levine
Somatic therapy is an approach that focuses on the mind-body connection. Through the marriage of mindfulness, a practice of finding presence without judgement, and somatic exercises, you can find healing through techniques that foster embodiment and connectedness and release stress, tension, and reactivity associated with trauma, anxiety, and depression.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
"You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength." - Marcus Aurelius
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) focuses on the connection between our core beliefs and our thought processes, and how our thoughts interact with our emotional state and the way we behave. CBT works to help clients rewire harmful or unhelpful thinking patterns and beliefs that interfere with our well-being. CBT is highly effective for treating a wide variety of mental health symptoms and integrates beautifully with narrative approaches.

Virtual Services offered throughout California
Individual Sessions are 53min/$185
Accepting Aetna, Optum, United Healthcare, and Cash-Pay

Cancellation & No-Show Policy
If you need to reschedule your appointment, please call 24 hours in advance to reserve another time. If you are unable to cancel before 24 hours, our appointment will be considered a "no show." The first no-show appointment will result in a charge of 50% of the total rate and any subsequent missed appointments will result in a charge of 100% of the total rate.
During the initial intake we will ask that a credit or debit card is placed on file in the event of a no-show. 15 minutes after an appointment start time will also be considered a no-show.
Verify my License
Licensed Clinical Social Worker, CA #109290
Please use the link below to visit link below to verify my license on the Department of Consumer Affairs Website.​
Insurance Policy
I accept insurance through the Alma Platform. Please click here to search for "Emily Dillon" in the Alma platform to see if your insurance provider is partnered with Alma. If you are not eligible through Alma, I am happy to provide a monthly superbill to be submitted to your insurance provider for possible reimbursement. I cannot guarantee reimbursement. Please reach out to your insurance provider to check your eligibility for out-of-network coverage. All cash-pay payments will be processed through Simple Practice.